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Yep I’m still here. It’s been quite a week, thus draining me from the inspiration to write. Just a bit of an update of what’s been going on lately:

– The hubs and I have been house-hunting for a place of our own for a while now, and we actually found a place we liked last weekend. The property was to be sold in an auction, but the real estate agent told us that the owner’s keen on selling it before the auction. To cut the long story short, our offer didn’t cut it. The owner wanted more money, which we weren’t keen on. Oh well. If it isn’t meant to be, it isn’t meant to be. It’s back to the house-hunting grindstone.

– When you’re doggone too lazy to go fetch a sweater or blanket whilst on the couch watching telly, and you’re sitting right next to an opened window, you’re bound to catch a chill. And caught a chill I did. Stupid stupid me *smack achy forehead*

– Thanks to a kind reader’s reminder, I finally got my dark moles checked out by a dermatologist today. As dark as they are, the dermie said that all were well, and unless I want to remove them for cosmetic purposes, he really wouldn’t recommend removing them since there was nothing wrong with them. At the moment, I shan’t remove them yet. The husband has very willingly agreed to keep tabs on the moles 😉

– Oh, and I finally, FINALLY had the guts to do a pap smear. To say it was unpleasant is putting it very lightly. The initial insertion of the speculum was uncomfortable, but bearable. The GP was kind enough to distract me with questions about Malaysia when she did the deed. What I didn’t expect was the sudden removal of the tool (that hurt big time), and the sudden insertion of her fingers to, err, “have a feel around” for abnormalities. I know this is way too much information for you to digest, but if you haven’t had a pap smear before, this is something you’d have to expect. Better to keep you informed. I hadn’t a clue (about the fingers, I mean), and to be honest, I felt a bit violated (even though the GP was a woman). At one point, I was thinking to myself “geez woman, what the heck are you doing down there? Digging for gold?!” Results were normal. Phew.

– Checked out MAC’s Colour Craft collection at last. Despite the hype and gorgeous images, the makeup was meh.

Regular posts will commence very soon 🙂

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10 comments… add one
  1. Nikki

    Congratulations on the pap smear..i have to…oh no.. 🙁 🙁 🙁

  2. Jenn

    Thanks for sharing about the pap smear!! Its definitely not too much info for me! I know i should just go do it already but i’m scareddddd!!! 😛

  3. Paris B

    Ooh yeah the pap smear is definitely something no woman looks forward to *shudder* Hope you’re feeling better now.

  4. Connie

    Get well soon k? 🙂

    Lol! I enjoyed reading about your first pap smear experience. 😀

  5. Eli

    *chuckles* Lol on the pap smear. The one I am not looking forward to is the mammogram. A family friend described it as “kuih kapek”.

  6. Renz

    Totally agree! I know that I’m supposed to go for PAP smear already, but always hesitated. This is not too much info. ^^ Its information for us who haven’t done it yet, at least we’ll know what to expect and wouldn’t scream/shriek in shock when the Doc decide to dig their fingers in. *shudders*

  7. Syen

    OH NOOOOOOO…… *groans*

    Thanks for the heads up babe. This is one part of married life I’m SURE not looking fwd to. =(

    This and mammograms. Eek.

  8. Adrienne

    Ohhh….pap smears. All this technology, there should be an easier way to “check things out!”

  9. prettybeautiful

    eeeeek pap smear!!! i have been wanting to go (still scared). thanks for the tip about the finger tho…

  10. sesame

    I hate pap smears. Yikes! It’s been a long while since I last had mine done.

    And speaking of moles, I have two large ones on my face. They seem to have grown but I’ve never been concerned. I wonder if I should…

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