Keeping It Simple Stupid

As the end of the year draws near, I’ve been reviewing all of my past posts, and have decided that 2010 would be the year I introduce a different style of blogging when it comes to product reviews. I know I haven’t reviewed any products in ages, and it’s not because I don’t have anything new to blog about. It’s just that, I’m finding it more and more difficult to write 2-3 paragraphs on a lipstick. You know what I mean?

With the vast number of beauty blogs rising and the number of beauty blogs I subscribe to increases, I find myself struggling to keep up with wordy posts. I’m not putting any of your blogs down, if you do write lengthy ones. Good on you, in fact, for having that capability to do so. As for me,  I’m afraid I’ve run out of juice, and I think it’s time to keep my reviews concise, to-the-point, and a whole lot easier to write and read.

From now on, product reviews will be made in point form with pictures. If the product is good, you will be able to tell by my added gushing paragraphs.

Still, I would really like your input on this. After all, my readers maketh my blog. Should I maintain the usual lengthy paragraphs? Or just K.I.S.S (Keep It Simple Stupid) it up?

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6 comments… add one
  1. prettybeautiful

    i second the idea! i find that reading words in point forms are much easier to absorb..and when u leave yr pc for 2 mins and come back again, you can quickly continue from wherever you stop just now 😀

  2. Jyoan

    I like your current style very much. =) That’s why I keep reading your blog. But that said, of course I welcome any changes you wish to make. I will still be back. =)

  3. Paris B

    I say write how you like. There might be days when you just want to do it point form and other days when the muse strikes and you want to write a thesis. Either way, I’d be reading and we still love you Tine 🙂 I’m however guilty of being wordy – its a disease LOL 🙂

  4. Connie

    write however you see fit. I personally don’t think that there should be a certain way or system of how a review should be written. It’s true that some products, although good, can’t really create that many paragraphs. Perhaps you could bundle similar products in a post even.

    Even when I’m reading long posts, I usually pay attention to swatch, conclusion and price before I decide to read the entire post

    hope that helps and good luck!

  5. Sue

    I do agree with the rest, everyone has their own flavour of writing, of coz we can’t satisfy all readers with their taste bud. Also, as for my “taste” of reading , i normally draws alot attention to pictures.. 😀 hehe. good luck ya 🙂

  6. beetrice

    well, at the end of the day it’s really up to what you’re most comfortable with – I know I’ll keep on reading regardless! 😀

    errmm…isn’t KISS = Keep It Short & Sweet? (that was the version I knew anyway…heehee)

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