Get Me New Glasses


For the past year, I have broken three pairs of spectacles. THREE! Talk about clumsy, eh? I actually broke one which I wore for about a couple of weeks on the day I was leaving for Australia. Thanks to some unforeseen circumstances that the flight was delayed, I managed to rush back to the shop, get it fixed within a half hour, and out with a spanking new pair of glasses.

Glasses aren’t cheap in Malaysia. There’s always the cheap plastic frames for students with plasticky lenses, which, more often than not, looks pretty rubbish. As for the rest, no matter how cheap the frames turned out to be, the sales assistants always try to sell you expensive lenses. I always choose the least fuss, plastic lenses to ensure my glasses to be as light as possible.

Unfortunately, in the end, they always turned up to be pretty expensive. When you start adding in the multicoated film, making your lenses high index, etc, it all adds up. I wouldn’t mind me something cheap, like an $ 8 Zenni Optical Rx Eyeglasses though. At least this way, I know I won’t have to feel so bad if I do break it again.

Which I’m certain I will. Again. Tsk tsk tsk.

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2 comments… add one
  1. Fashionasia

    i know this is a pp…
    but im crazy i actually ordered frm zenni just to try it out…
    and i just received my package today!! :o) I love my new ahbeng glasses :o) and they are really cheap too…

  2. Tine

    Hehe, I wasn’t expecting a comment on this :p

    SERIOUS?? OMG, I have to give it a go then. Is it just the frames or does it include the lens as well, for the price?

    Hmmm … I’m very interested now 😉

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