Do You Enjoy Dining Alone?

20090910 Dining Alone

There was once a time when I wouldn’t even entertain the idea of dining alone. What? Just me? It would be so weird, with no one to talk to! Even though it would only take me less than 10 minutes to devour a plate of char koay teow at the hawker centre, I’d still prefer to do a takeaway. Even if I had to do the dishes.

It all changed when I went to the UK for my tertiary studies. There would be times when I’d have my lunch at a cafe, all by myself, and you know what? It felt great. I took my own time, I had a book with me, and I loved it. Don’t get me wrong; I enjoy socialising over drinks and meals. But there’ll be times when I like my me time, outdoors on my own, and dining alone gives me just that.

Here, I like to bring a book with me when I’m out at a cafe. During the weekends, when the hubs would jog along Brighton Beach (if I can’t own a place there, by george, I’ll walk on your expensive, sandy beach!), I’d be at a cafe, sipping coffee, and enjoying a good book. What can I say, jogging is not my forte. I’d have my journal with me, writing and reading. I don’t need a laptop with me. Just a book, with me and my thoughts. Ahh … bliss.

What about you? Do you enjoy dining alone?


How Much Of Product To Use?

Oooops! In my magazine junkie mode, I accidentally bought a magazine meant for women over 40! Still, Prevention magazine had some good articles inside, so money not wasted 😛

I thought I’d scan this for you, on the amount of skincare product you should use for optimum effect. I like how they used actual items in a photo to illustrate the amount. Please click to enlarge.

20090909 Prevention Australia October 09
Source: Prevention Australia, October 2009, page 68

Looking at the picture, I’m convinced I’m still not using enough sunscreen on the face. A teaspoon for the face seems a lot, especially when I have oily skin. Why can’t they make facial sunscreens completely oil-free and matte so that I wouldn’t look like a well-oiled wok ready to fry an egg?



My Inspiration Board

Speaking of Bloom, I love the its flagship store on Chapel Street. Its subtle girly design (as in it doesn’t scream marshmallow pink all over), together with the friendly staff, makes me wanna go back to the store again and again. The best thing about the store (other than the makeup, of course), is the large inspiration board they have by the cash register. Everytime I visit the store, there’s something different on the board.

I have a magazine cutting of the inspiration board, which I scanned just for you. Of course, I also pinned this source of inspiration on my own board.

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It really inspired me to make my own inspiration board as well. The corkboard came cheaply from IKEA, and since I had a bit of wall space behind the dresser, I rested the board on it against the wall.

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It contains the items which I dream to have, like the Chanel 2.55. Okay, I couldn’t find a glossy piece in my stash of magazines, so I, erm, printed it out and stuck it on the board.

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A style I’d love my country home (if I ever have one, that is) to have.

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A fashion icon, whom I still think it one of the most beautiful women in the world, the darling Audrey Hepburn. The picture above Audrey Hepburn is one of my bridal portraits with the hubs.

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Whatever that tickles my fancy goes onto that board. Items in my wish list, shopping list, photographs, my handmade jewellery, a watch to remind me of amount of time I’m taking to put on my makeup, etc. If you have some extra wall space, whether it’s behind the desk or by the bed, I highly recommend an inspiration board of your own. It’s a fun piece of decor, and you can update it anytime you come across an interesting article in the magazine or newspaper.

Have fun!


Bloom Shadow Liners in Charcoal Grey & Olive Green

When I picked up some stuff for a couple of friends at Bloom last week, I was intrigued by the shadow liners the shop assistant showed me. After giving them a go, I swear I want ALL of the shadow liners they’ve got. I was only supposed to get one, but in the end, came out with two.

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Bloom’s Shadow Liner is both an Eye Liner and Eye Shadow. Use its’ unique, flat lead for precision lining or to sweep colour over the entire lid. Its creamy texture is long-lasting and minimises creasing.

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20090807 Bloom Shadow Liners 2

Do you know what I absolutely LOVE about these shadow liners? It’s that you can simply wear them on their own. If you’re rushing for time, just grab the pencil and line the eyes. If you use apply the liner on wideside, it works as an eyeshadow. Talk about a multitaskter. Great to bring along when traveling, I say.

All I had to do was apply an eyeshadow base (here I used the Urban Decay Primer Potion), and base colour, e.g. beige, on the lids. Sweep on the creamy liner and I was good to go. I didn’t even need additional colour on the lids.

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My favourite of the two would be the Olive Green. I can’t help it; I’m a sucker for green eye liners and shadows.

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Olive Green

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The Charcoal Grey has more shimmer in it compared to the Olive Green. Thus I reckon it’s better suited for evening use. The Olive Green is not that strong in colour and glittery and it’s great to wear during the day.

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Charcoal Grey

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Bloom Shadow Liners are available in 6 other colours (Electric Blue, Midnight Blue, Emerald Green, Ebony Brown, Soft Taupe and Ultra Black) and retails at AU$25 each. I bags me the Emerald Green next!

What I like about it: Very easy to use, creamy texture, can be used as an eyeshadow.

What I do not like about it: Nothing.

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