Up and Running (For Now)

Finally gotten most of the site running on WordPress now. Granted, it’s a huge change from Blogger. I don’t really care for this theme, but it’ll have to do for now as I continue to explore WordPress further. I spent so much time working on the previous theme; it’s heartbreaking to have to let it go and move on to something totally new. Still, these are greener pastures, and I’m looking forward to better usability of the site.

I’m currently on the look out for a cleaner theme. Any suggestions on any great WordPress themes out there?

Will be back with beauty posts on Monday. It’s me and the computer this weekend. We’ve become such good friends 😉


Changing to WordPress

My apologies if you haven’t been able to access this site for a while. I’ve finally changed to a proper web host, and upgraded to WordPress. After almost four years on Blogger, I reckon it was high time for a change. However, I am very new to WordPress, and have so much to learn. Many thanks to Edrei, who walked me through the entire process.

So please forgive how crappy the site looks at the moment. I’m currently learning to familiarise myself with the WordPress dashboard, widgets and whatnots. It is incredibly different from Blogger, and may I say, a lot more complicated. With time, I’m sure I’ll pick it up.

I should be back real soon. Please keep your fingers crossed for me that I don’t go nuts with this. ‘Cos I might.


Beauty Tip of the Day: Shrinking Your Pores

Beauty Tip NoteMyth: You can shrink your pores with astringent or splashes of ice-cold water.

Truth: If only. Nothing has ever been proven to reduce them permanently, though remedies like clay masks and toners can make them appear smaller for a few hours. For the long run, dermatologists recommend retinol, salicylic acid, or alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) to keep pores from getting clogged, forming blackheads, and generally looking more obvious.


I Just Yearbooked Myself

Something not related to beauty, but I’m a little out of my game today, so I thought I’d do something to cheer meself up. When I saw what Cheryl at Think Tank did with her hair, I knew I just had to do the same.

Yearbook Pictures

I looked like my Mum in 1976!

Ladies, you have to check it out. Go do it; just upload your passport photo on YearbookYourself.com and have a laugh. I guarantee you will. And if you want (and I hope you do), show us! 😛

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