Awesome Beauty Advent Calendars to Countdown Christmas 2014

12 Awesome Advent Calendars for 2014

Okay, I know it's going to sound really strange but I've never heard of advent calendars until I moved to Australia in 2008. Growing up in Malaysia, we never had advent calendars and when I saw them in the UK, I've always thought that they were are actual paper calendars, which was why it was something I never questioned.

When I finally found out what they were, I thought it was a cute, novelty idea and last year I decided to give one a go. Cheapie me wouldn't pay a lot for one so I, erm, got mine from Woolworths for the princely sum of AU$1.00 and enjoyed a tiny piece of chocolate a day till Christmas. :P

Having said that, there are plenty of advent calendars out there and it wasn't till last year that I found out that there are beauty advent calendars too. Seriously, it's like opening a new gift for yourself every single day till Christmas! How awesome is that? While beauty advent calendars are expensive, the items combined are almost always worth more than what you've paid for.

Most of the advent calendars are sold out by now but I managed to pick one up, which I'll show you later. Beauty advent calendars are incredibly popular and most if not all are sold out by November. Some are not available in Australia either. Still, I thought I'd show you some of the cool ones I've seen online this year and while you will most likely not be able to get them any more, if it's something you're really looking forward to getting for Christmas 2015, make a note in your 2015 calendar to pick them up by October or even September!

Below is an image gallery and can only be properly viewed on a web browser.

Benefit Advent Calendar 2014Benefit Cosmetics Advent Calendar

I was very lucky to snag a box of this during my recent brow wax appointment. I saw this in store and asked if they still had any available (usually by this time, all Benefit advent calendars would already be sold out) and they had only 2 left (even from their 2nd shipment). I’ll be opening one box a day on Instagram starting Dec 1 and I may or may not be giving away some of the items in the calendar so do follow me on Instagram if you haven’t already. 😉

AU$149.00, MYER or US$99.00, Sephora

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8 comments… add one
  1. LeGeeque

    Forget everything else! I want the godiva calendar 😛

    1. Tine

      I reckon chocolate wins hands down. 😛

  2. gio

    I second that! The Godiva calendar is the best! 🙂
    gio recently posted..Product Review: Sleek Makeup Bare Skin FoundationMy Profile

    1. Tine

      Drats. Now my $2 choccies advent calendar (I upgraded from last year’s $1.00!) pale in comparison. 😛

  3. MonicaP

    Oh, I thought it was me .. I want the Godiva one too !! Plus, it was reasonable priced.

    MonicaP recently posted..Perfect pairing, Olivia calf hair shoes and dark cuffed denimMy Profile

    1. Tine

      I think I need to do an advent calendar post on chocolates alone. Oh the temptations! 😛

  4. Carole

    Never realised the choice that existed! Now that I have children, I do an advent calendar for them. It’s a tradition. I’d feel weird having one for me… Maybe next year 😉

    1. Tine

      I saw yours on Instagram! Very cool! 🙂

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