June Birthday Giveaway #1: 5 x Olay Total Effects Packs


Happy Monday, folks! June isn’t just the first month of winter but it’s also my birthday month! Why celebrate just one day when you can celebrate a whole month, eh? πŸ˜› And boy, do I have lots of fun stuff lined up for you this month with competitions and giveaways. There’s one I’m particularly excited about that have been in the works for quite some time but I’ll share more of that with you later.

If you haven’t entered my blogaversary giveaway yet, there’s still 2 more days you can do so, so go for it! If you already have, you might also like to try your hand at this because 1) who says you can’t enter more giveaways and 2) June is the best month ever. πŸ˜‰ Okay back to the giveaway – I’ve got 5 x Olay packs to give away today!

June Birthday Giveaway #1: 5 x Olay Total Effects Packs

Each pack contains an Olay Total Effects Day Cream in Normal (RRP AU$32.49). Olay Total Effects has recently undergone a formula upgrade on key variants that deliver twice the power for skin renewal. Containing the brand’s highest ever Vitamin B (Niacinamide) levels to increase skin power, the all new and improved blockbuster formula also contains Pathenol (Pro Vitamin D5), for skin moisturising and smoothing benefits; as well as Vitamin E, which functions as a skin-soothing and conditioning agent with antioxidant properties.

I’ve seen first hand on how well the Total Effects does on younger skin and on mature skin (my friends and even my grandma use it!) which is why this is something I’m excited on having you try.

Just a leave a comment below answering a simple question given that it’s Monday: How do you tackle Mondayitis?

That’s it! I want to know because I’m struggling to stay awake! πŸ˜›

1. This contest is open to Australian residents only.
2. The total value of prizes in the contest is approximately AU$162.45.
3. Anyone can enter the competition regardless of whether you’ve won anything here before.
4. Only one comment per contestant will be accepted.
5. Please keep it clean and spam-free.
6. The closing date for this giveaway is 8 June 2013.
7. Five (5) winners with the most creative answers will be selected and announced on 10 June 2013. An email notification will be sent to each winner.
8. The winners will be required to submit his/her name and contact address to Beautyholics Anonymous. The contact details then will be submitted to Saunders & Co (the PR agency providing the prizes), who will be sending the prizes to the winners (please read Beautyholics Anonymous’ privacy statement for more information).
9. The winner must respond to the notification email to claim the prize within 5 working days.
10. Beautyholics Anonymous and Saunders & Co reserve the right to change the terms of this competition at any time.

Have fun and good luck! πŸ˜€

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  1. Narelle Rock

    coffee, chocolate, lollies, more coffee, loud music and plenty of singing and dancing around the house (while no-one is home of course!)

  2. Zoe Chan

    Coffee, big breadfast, bright lips colour, match with bright manicure, big kiss from my love~ Brighten Monday~!!!

  3. Melissa Muscat

    Have an extravagant breakfast (maybe try something new! ) and make an effort to adopt a positive attitude πŸ™‚

  4. Sharon W

    Start the day with a cup of nice coffee and I’ll often remind myself that it’s a new week so new, good things will happen πŸ™‚ and take a day at a time and the weekend will be here sooner than you realise.

  5. Karly

    As a stay at home mum all the days blur together!
    Mondays and usually spent at the park with other mummies and their children. Not too bad, eh?
    Though not working has put a serious dent in my beauty budget.

  6. Megan Ford-Earl

    I make sure I pack myself something extra nice for lunch on Mondays, so I have something to look forward to, helping me get through Monday-morning-itis

  7. Tanya

    Lots of coffee before 4pm and then lots of wine πŸ˜‰

  8. SharonC

    Always thankful for Mondays. Without Mondays, there will be no Fridays! Hot shower and hot pancakes with gooey salted butter caramel to further sweeten the day! Caramelicious!

  9. Jayne

    A few squares of Whittaker’s Coconut Block always cheers me up on Mondays. Well, maybe not just Mondays :p

  10. Gaby

    by sleeping earlier than usual on sunday night then spend a little bit longer in the shower the following morning..
    i also use my favourite body wash..something to wake my sense up πŸ˜€

  11. Claire Floyd

    A hit of Caffeine to kick start my week, followed by a brisk walk to the park with my toddler. Each and every day is a week end , when you are a stay at home mum , very lucky indeed

  12. Kai

    Whatever time you have to wake up on Monday, set your alarm half an hour LATER than that. So when you wake up, you’ll be in such a hurry that you won’t even think its a Monday! I bet that adrenaline of rushing to work/school will keep you pumped up for the entire day! Works every time for me πŸ˜‰

    On a side note, I’m really quite interested in trying Olay products as I always thought it was a brand for my grandma. Would love to prove that otherwise!

  13. Charmaine Campbell

    I sneak another 10 minutes sleep before getting out of bed, then coffee, get rid of the kids to school for the day (this part is essential, and very tricky when they are sick). More coffee, then I try to achieve something resembling housework. Ironing while watching Magic Mike is a good trick, just try not to burn the clothes while being distracted by half naked men! Oh and did I mention coffee?

  14. Jyoan

    Oh, I never knew! Happy Birthday all month long!

    And guess what? It’s my birthday month too! haha. LOVE JUNE.
    Jyoan recently posted..Philosophy Purity Made Simple CleanserMy Profile

  15. Angie Boylan

    Just before I pick up my kids from school I eat some chocolate ( which is hidden at the back of the cupboard ) which is the perfect pick me up so I’m super perky to tackle homework!

  16. Kaitlin

    Buy a jar of your favourite sweets, label it “Mondayitis Cure” and place it on your work desk. Pop one every 3 to 4 hours together with your favourite drink, and voila you’re cured!

    After all, it’s all in the mind isn’t it? πŸ˜€

  17. Jessica W

    -Not entering the contest, just wanted to comment πŸ˜€ –

    Not a big fan of Mondays but I find listening to Manic Monday (by The Bangles) helps.
    Jessica W recently posted..Cupcake loveMy Profile

  18. marilyn

    As I stay at home, I don’t need to rush out of the door for work. However every second Monday brings me great pleasure as I have breakfast, shower and at 10am I go for a one hour massage. Bliss

  19. Liz

    Coffee to start the day…. and Mondayitis is always less intense when the weekends are kept sane and restful!

  20. Eunice

    are u expecting – I’m stay at home mom so what’s Monday? no, I hate Mondays too.. because my dear son will suffer from withdrawal symptoms after playing with daddy the whole weekend n only facing mummy on Monday. so I’ll start the day with a nice decaf coffee n breakfast and then take him out for a walk so he can see people, scenery, etc to pass time… when he’s a happy boy, I’m a happy mom…

  21. Anne @ Domesblissity

    Monday-itis? I don’t suffer from it anymore as both children are in school. I look forward to it with glee! Once those kids are dropped at school, I get home, make a coffee and BREATHE! Oh the serenity!

    Anne xx
    Anne @ Domesblissity recently posted..Top 5 parenting tips, Star Wars styleMy Profile

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